Salmon Run
Artist/illustrator || Hydra/VWiper main || Freelancer and Overfisher
About Me

Pronouns: Not my problem. Figure it out.
Gender: Unknown.
Artist apparently.
Addicted to coffee.
Loves ducks and the color blue.
Busy with life. :(
Hydra Splatling/VSplatana Wiper main.
Use to be on a comp team (now just on an overfishing team).
Salmon Run Resources
Friends asked for resources so I compiled them all here lol.
Fundamentals and Advanced Guide | Marty ; Brian, Minaraii, Sameet
•Starter guide document for Overfishing
Tips and Techniques
•An assortment of strategies that are helpful to learn and utilize Salmon Run to the fullest
Weapon and Special Strengths / Boss Salmonids / Map Optimization
Notes and Impressions
(SR ver. | Reyko) SR Tips Collection (サーモンランのヒント動画集)
(SRNW ver. | Miyumiyu) One Skill a Day series (一日一技)
•A selection of documents from a player's thoughts about Salmon Run
Overfishing | Gungee (サーモンラン乱獲についての所感)
How to Improve (ゲームがうまくなるには?) | Gungee
Overfishing Beginner Class| Sugoroku (金イクラを沢山稼ぐ!乱獲を説明,解説!初級編)
Far Eggs (Mazuikura) in Overfishing (サーモンラン乱獲におけるマズイクラについての所感)
Day Wave Overfishing | Okazu (サーモンラン 昼WAVE乱獲)
•A discussion about improving as a player (SR context as examples but can apply to games in general).
Mindset / Game Sense / Seeking Knowledge
Tips to Decrease Death Counts (サーモンランでデスを減らすには -生存のコツ-) | Gungee
•A discussion about decreasing Deaths for you and your teammates.
Survival / Awareness / Self-Analysis
Tools + Maps
Salmon Learn
• Simulation for Goldie Seeking and Drizzler jumpsSalmon Route
• Travel distance and time simulation from Salmonid to PlayerSalmon Map Viewer
• Top-down overhead maps with map drawing tools
Salmonid spawn point locations and detection range, Flyfish / Stinger / Drizzler locations, nodes and meshes (Eggs and Salmonid route), attack range of weapons